Assalamualaikum, you guys!
going to be the
final phase for the
election in Egypt next
16th June
2012. Well I heard that somewhere.
Whether you are in Egypt
or not, I
have the
feeling that you have
to know about the
most important event
which is going
take place here,
perhaps it would change the world.
I've done some verbal survey...uhm..that is another way of saying 'I asked a
few people I met' about their opinion for both candidate Dr. Muhammad
Mursi and Ahmad Shafeeq. And it turned out great...for me. By GREAT, I
mean I almost want myself to be part of the nation and go for the
election crossing the candidate I want!
Okay, that is not so going to happen.
I kind of diffuse myself in this topic. Whenever I hire a taxi, I'd
have something to talk about rather than a boring under the sun taxi
ride. I have to admit that my Arabic is not so well but at least I can
open a moderate conversation.
"Ammu, enta ma'a min fil intikhabak?"
And MOST of them choose Dr. Muhammad Mursi.
"Leih Dr. Mursi mish Shafeeq?"
"Leih Shafeeq? Shuftil hukumah dil wakti izzay? Ihna hanimsyi ma'a Shafeeq leih...?"
"Asyan Shafeeq zay Mubarak. Ya'ni ma farqu bainahumma?"
"Ihna mish hanirga' tani ila zaman lifat."
they told me a lot more but I'm not going to quote those here, because I
dare not to end my life in Egyptian jail! Duhh!
Anyway, I had a few of informative and productive conversation!
Note: My Arabic language is not that good. Hence, bear with it.
Note: My Arabic language is not that good. Hence, bear with it.
there was a time I asked about this taboo subject to a taxi driver, and
we continued DISCUSSING about each of candidate and he proudly stated
that he still with Mursi. Then came this lady with a like...4-year-old
son and things continued.......
dah? Mursi? La'! La'! Shafeeq ahsan!" Okay...I'll translate the rest.
Not because I can't remember the words but I desperately want to
completely understand my point.
said..."How can Ikhwan Muslimin governs Egypt? They just can't. You
see, politic is different from just being in masjid and give sermons.
You gotta have to learn the trick then you can lead the world. I mean,
obviously Ikhwan Muslimin can't do like that...&#%$&*^(^%#6~."
She said a lot more. And I don't want to translate here because her point was, "Muslims can't rule!" That's all.
the uncle driving the taxi was a wise man. He told her about his
opinion about the situation that how everybody thirsts for Shari'ah and
trying to persuade her. He said, "I understand your feeling to see Egypt why not we give it a try and let Ikhwan Muslimin rules?
Ba'din, nashuf Masr hayimshi izay..."
I could not believe my ears!
How could as Muslims, we boldly say that masjid is just a masjid and
Muslims can NEVER rule? In the time of Rasulullah and the sahabah,
MASJID was where they performed solah...they run schools...held meetings
and discussions...create strategies...heard the complaints of the
people...and even the center of the government was the masjid! And guess
what? Islam ruled perfectly.
I'm not trying to say you SHOULD choose Mursi over Shafeeq. Because if I
say that you would probably retort and fire back at me. Like..."You are
foreigner. What do you know about Egypt? This is our future. We choose
whom is meant to be the leader. This is not a game where there is "Your
game is sucks. Please try again." No! This is a lot greater. The future
of our next generation."
Well, it must be just my wild and crazy IMAGINATION. But you know what? I found this dialogue when I was browsing lately.
سألوها: كيف تنتخبين مرسي، وأنت مسيحية؟
قالت: ومَن مِن المفترض أنْ أنتخب ؟
قالوا: شفيق !
قالت: لماذا؟
قالوا: ألم تسمعيه وهو يتعهد بحذف الآيات القرآنية من المناهج التعليمة؟
قالت: بلي سمعته، ولهذا سأختار مرسي!
قالوا: كيف؟
قالت: من لم يحافظ على دينه .. لن يحافظ على ديني
قالت: ومَن مِن المفترض أنْ أنتخب ؟
قالوا: شفيق !
قالت: لماذا؟
قالوا: ألم تسمعيه وهو يتعهد بحذف الآيات القرآنية من المناهج التعليمة؟
قالت: بلي سمعته، ولهذا سأختار مرسي!
قالوا: كيف؟
قالت: من لم يحافظ على دينه .. لن يحافظ على ديني
By: أيمن وجيه
A : How can you choose Mursi, you are a Christian?
B : So whom should I choose?
... A : Ahmad Shafeeq!
B : Why?
A : Haven't you heard that he promised to not include Quranic verses in the learning syllabus?
B : Of course I heard that. That is why I choose Muhammad Mursi!
A : How come?
B : If he can't take care of his Deen (religion), how do you expect him to take care of my religion?
B : So whom should I choose?
... A : Ahmad Shafeeq!
B : Why?
A : Haven't you heard that he promised to not include Quranic verses in the learning syllabus?
B : Of course I heard that. That is why I choose Muhammad Mursi!
A : How come?
B : If he can't take care of his Deen (religion), how do you expect him to take care of my religion?
I'm just saying.
I live among Egyptians. So I might say that I know them to the flesh and bones.
they are a strong nation. And people know about your majestic history.
Before I came here, when I told my relatives and pals that I was going
to continue my study in Egypt...they "Oooohs!" and "Aaaaaahs!". What did
those suppose to mean?
means that Egypt is impressive! The whole world recognize Egypt. They
are a strong nation. And it would be a total waste if Islam doesn't rule
the land where the anbia of Allah walked on its earth.
In a nut shell, if you ever want peace again in Egypt and in any land in this world, follow Islam. Because Allah promised in His noble verse:
In a nut shell, if you ever want peace again in Egypt and in any land in this world, follow Islam. Because Allah promised in His noble verse:
And when they entered upon Joseph, he took his parents to himself and said, "Enter Egypt, Allah willing, safe [and secure]."Quran: Surah Yusuf (12:99)
moursi dah menang tak da upodate ka violet? ^^
to yildirim fateh,
saya ingin menunjukkan kebersamaan dunia bersama dr. mursi. bahawa muslim seluruh dunia melihat dr. mursi sebagai pemimpin yang berkebolehan.
dan kepimpinan yang diterajui mursi pada pandangan saya telah banyak membawa perubahan baik terhadap mesir. cuma saya hairan, mengapa segolongan rakyat mesir masih ingin berdegil dengan mensabotaj kepimpinan dr. mursi yang jelas dan nyata jauh lebih baik daripada peimpin sebelum2 nya?
kata kunci: saya tetap bersama dr. mursi.
me too
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